0645 again and much excitement! I've never been on this bit of the Staffs & Worcs canal, did the northern end on my first ever trip in 1977, but it's taken 34 years to get to the southern end. This section is cut into the side of a red sandstone hill:
From Stewponey to Kidderminster, through Kinver it's very pretty. Weather much the same as before, warm, sunny intervals, threat of rain, but ideal for cruising. Steady progress made to Kidderminster and still very few boats on show, but a lot more than yesterday, I even had lock delays at Kidderminster and Caldwall locks where there was another boat in front!! Kidderminster looks an interesting place, some old mill / warehouse type buildings turned into restaurants & shops, the top of Kidderminster lock was a great setting:
An uneventful day continues the the end of the S&W canal at Stourport basins, a lock dropped me into the top right hand basin, a right turn into the top left basin, down a two lock staircase into the bottom left basin then another two lock staircase into the River Severn, where I promptly tied up on the vacant visitor mooring outside the Angel PH. Oh yes, tried a pint of Marstons Old Empire too, it seemed rude not too! So, the big scary river awaits, trouble is it gets bigger and bigger!
Today: 12 miles - 15 locks - 8 hours
So Far: 70 miles - 117 locks - 49 hours
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