Woke up at 0730 and put the coffee on, then found it was 0630! Oh well, up now, so breakfast, some sort of urgh noise from Dave and off we go. Weather very grey again as we trundle up through the relentless locks towards the Tring summit. First Hemel Hempstead:
Then at Boxmoor Top lock we found NB 'Forty Two' adrift! Well, I just had to help it out didn't !? So with the aid of the boathook I got it back to the side and repinned it the best I could. It must be the continual emptying of the lock which is causing the boat to move and subsequently pulling the pins out. On we go through Winkwell swing bridge:
Ably controlled by Dave, I'll miss him next week! Then up yet more locks to Rising Sun lock which was advertising a beer festival, but at 1230 seemed to be empty! Perhaps they drank it all last night!
The Rising Sun and it's namesake lock:
You may notice another narowboat exitting the lock, narrowboat 'no name' joined us at Winkwell bottom lock, the first lock we've shared since Hampstead Road (Camden) and stayed with us until the Waitrose moorings at Berkhamsted. This time we did get moored, so I managed to restock the fridge, and, more importantly the drinks cabinet! We had a bit of lunch, then set off again at 1430. A couple of locks above Berkhamsted we spectate on some sort of fancy dress fun run. We see Slash, Kiss, Freddie Mercury, John Lennon, Ginger Spice and many more! We get to Northchurch lock and see a BW engineer sorting the pump out, I wasn't surprised as some of the pounds have been very low. Leaving the lock was NB 'no name' We get to the next lock and they were waiting for us, so up we go with company again. Between the two Dudswell locks NB 'no name' gets stuck in yet another low pound. So I go ahead to the lock and let some water down until it becomes unstuck. Finally we reach Cowroast lock (and another cottage that I've lusted over!) which is the last one! Well today anyway as we're now on the Tring summit level. We say goodbye to our companions through many locks and pull onto the landing to top off the water. Dave gets on with this while I close up the lock and take another look at the cottage, which is no longer for sale! We tickover along and find a mooring for the night, it's just under a mile to Tring station where I'll be dropping Dave in the morning. Dave quite liked the mooring:
It's a common carp, we think about 4 kilos.
And then this one:
We think 7 kilos or so!
I do a lamb curry for dinner, it's quite spicy and I'll probably regret it in the morning! If we were Polish I suppose we'd have had carp!
Today: 9.5 miles - 24 locks - 8 hours
So Far 456 miles - 355 locks - 226 hours
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